taptaptap is this thing on? (v2.0)
2025-01-30 by: allan via chugalug
From: allan via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ Since I joined this group a few weeks ago and just made my first post I figure I'd better introduce myself :) Been running Linux since the mid-'90s. My first was Yggdrasil Plug and Play Linux that came in the back of a big Linux book and it really wasn't plug and play at all considering that you needed to make a boot floppy to even run the demo. Anyway, I quit using Windows at home in 2008 and switched to Linux full-time. Been running Sid on multiple machines since my Crunchbang ended and Debian still makes me happy for the most part. I'm fairly active on r/linux4noobs, r/linuxquestions and r/debian and am on the admin team at forums.debian.net. Retired last year after 30 years doing IT - I ran helpdesks for a living. Nice to meet y'all :)